Sunday, 15 September 2013

70th Anniversary (contd.)

After the ceremony everyone went to the village hall for coffee and cakes.  Gifts were given to the very many helpers who had voluntarily worked so hard to mark this anniversary. Then  our friends, Else & Erling kindly invited several English and Australian relatives to supper.  which was nice as we were able to spend some time with Ernie's nephew, Graham, who had flown from Northern Ireland. After a nice supper provided by our generous hosts we returned to our hotel.
The next day things did not go quite so smoothly  We rose at 6 so as to be in good time for our 8.25 flight.  There were only 7 passengers.  At 10 a.m. we were told our flight had been cancelled because of fog in London. We spent the whole day at the airport not knowing how or when we would get home.  Eventually they booked us on to the evening flight leaving at 5.30. We spent our time in the very comfortable Executive Lounge with free food and drink.  A & T were able to do some work on the computers which were provided.  I found it very boring as I cannot see to read.  All the other people were groups of businessmen. Amanda and I spent money in the shops. (How cleverly they provide such temptations).
At 5 p.m. we went to the plane.  Then there was another delay of one and a half hours because of confusion over the amount of fuel because they had not allowed for we extra 7 passengers from the morning flight.  We eventually took off and arrived in London at about 9 p.m. where our taxi driver had been waiting for hours.  We said goodbye to Tom and arrived home at 11 p.m.  A rather long day!

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

70th Anniversary

A  week ago I flew to Denmark to take part in the 70th Anniversary Commemoration ceremony of the death of my first husband in September 1943.  I had just, somewhat belatedly, received his war medals which inspired me to go.  I had previously thought I was too old and infirm to make the journey but, as usual, my family  came to the rescue and said they would make all the arrangements  so off we went.
Amanda  and I went to London City Airport by taxi and met my grandson. We arrived in Denmark late on Tuesday night and stayed at the airport hotel.  We hired a car and Tom drove us to Stadil next morning and we had lunch with our friends the Halkjaer family.
The ceremony took place at the crash site.  I think there must have been nearly 200 people there including Senior Officers from the RAAF and the Danish Air Force, an RAF sergeant, the Australian Ambassador, Executives from the Local Council and several relatives of the crew.  A propeller which had been recovered was put in place and dedicated.  Altogether it was a very moving occasion.
A young lady from the TV asked me a few questions for the local TV News and the Editor of the local paper took copious notes afterwards.  I was glad I went.  I met so many old friends and made some new ones.  I shook so many hands I felt like the Queen.  ( To be continued)