Tuesday 11 January 2011

Forms of address

My attention was drawn to an article in the Wall Street Journal on how one should address one's correspondents in emails. I am getting used to "Hi Jess" which I rather like from friends - but "Hi Jess" from Love Films???

I am old fashioned and tend to stick to "Dear" unless it is a conversation back and forth between friends and family when I just start with the name.

I still bridle when a complete stranger like a bank clerk addresses me as "Jess" on the phone instead of "Mrs".I suppose the young would say I should "lighten up" but I can't help it. It is the way I was brought up.


  1. I agree with you. I have only been a Mrs. for about two and a half years, but I am already accustomed to being called as such and don't like it when strangers are too familiar.

    A friend pointed me at your blog. I'm reading from the beginning to the end and really enjoying it. I'm an American who moved to the UK when I got married, so it's especially nice for me to hear stories about England like my own grandmother would have told about the midwest.

  2. Welcome aboard Thaumata. It's nice to know someone other than the family is reading my blog.


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