Saturday, 7 December 2013

Another Choir

The report of Nelson Mandela's death reminded me of a visit of a party of Mothers Union members from South Africa in 1990.  Because of the proximity of our church to Canterbury Cathedral we M.U. members were often called upon to act as hosts to religious groups visiting Canterbury.
On this occasion about 20 ladies were making an extended tour of Europe and Israel.  The tour was led by a clergyman and two white South African ladies.  They had already been to Jerusalem, Bethlehem and the Sea of  Galilee.  They then flew to Bavaria to go to a performance of the Passion Play at Oberammergau which is performed by the local people every 10 years.  They arrived at our church by coach, having been guests for a few days of M.U. members in Hertfordshire.  I was told to walk with them to the Cathedral for a service.  I was also told not to let them get a sniff of Marks and Spencers or they would not get to the Cathedral in time for Evensong.  All went well and their voices added to the lovely singing of the Cathedral choir.  Back at our church hall for refreshments and chat about our  very different lives and families and how our faith had brought us together.  Before they joined the coach they said thank you by singing two hymns.  I shall always remember these lovely friendly ladies in their beautiful coloured costumes. Their voices blended so beautifully as they sang harmoniously just for us.

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