Friday, 7 March 2014

what did he say?

I have to confess to being rather Mutt & Jeff.  C ockney rhyming slang for "deaf".  Mutt & Jeff were two cartoon characters one very tall and one short.  (At this point I must tell you that in my office worked a very tall thin girl called Mary Jeffries and her much smaller best friend Muriel.  They were known to us all as Mutt & Jeff)
To get back to my hearing problem.  I was listening  to the radio to someone talking about weddings when I heard this chap say "You have to decide on peanuts".  Peanuts? Peanuts?  I know you have to decide on Champagne or sparkling wine according to who is paying for the drinks  but surely not prawn cocktail crisps or peanuts. There he has said it again "You must talk it over to decide on the peanuts" Then illumination dawned.   He was talking about prenuptial arrangements.  This somewhat cold hearted division of the spoils struck me as a bit premature.  What has happened to romance?  Do people really go into marriage thinking it probably won't last past the honeymoon?  I remember  promising for richer , for poorer etc.  In other words to cling together through thick or thin  (in my case through fat or thin) till death us do part.

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